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How To Achieve Good Mental Health In Workplace

How To Achieve Good Mental Health In Workplace

“Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it’s time we start treating it that way.” – Prince Harry

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being and should be given the same attention and resources as physical health in the workplace. With the increasing awareness and importance of mental health, it is essential for companies to recognize the impact of mental health in the workplace, and to implement policies and practices that support the mental well-being of their employees.

The concept of workplace mental health awareness is not new. This is likely due to the fact that its consequences might be disastrous for a company’s performance. It is vital to raise mental health awareness and encourage discourse.

However, simply speaking isn’t always sufficient.

57 % of people believe that if their employer took proactive steps to assist their mental health, they would be more loyal, productive at work, and take fewer sick days.

Fortunately, not everyone requires accommodations to accomplish their work, but the majority of people could benefit from some good mental health habits.

Tips For Good Mental Health In the Workplace

Here are five basic wellness tips to apply on your own, in the office, and throughout the day, regardless of what resources your company provides:

1. Mindful Morning

A mindful morning is a practice of starting the day with intention and awareness. It involves setting aside time to focus on the present moment and setting the tone for the day ahead.

One way to begin a mindful morning is to wake up a little earlier than usual and use the extra time for self-care and reflection. This could include activities such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or reading.

Another important aspect of a mindful morning is to avoid distractions such as checking emails or social media. Instead, focus on the present moment and being present in your body.

Starting the day with a mindful mindset can help set the tone for a more productive and peaceful day. It can also help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

It is also important to be kind and compassionate to yourself, let go of any negative thoughts and start the day with a positive mindset. Remember to take a deep breath and be grateful for another day of life.

2. Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is an important step in achieving success in any area of life. It is important to set goals that are challenging, but also achievable and measurable. Unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment, frustration, and a lack of motivation.

When setting goals, it is important to consider the following:

  • Be specific: Clearly define what it is you want to achieve.
  • Be realistic: Make sure the goal is achievable within the given time frame and resources.
  • Be measurable: Establish a way to measure progress and determine when the goal has been achieved.
  • Be relevant: Make sure the goal is relevant to your overall life or career objectives.
  • Be time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving the goal.

It’s also important to break down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes it easier to stay focused, track progress, and make adjustments as needed. It is also important to set priorities and focus on a few key goals at a time, rather than trying to tackle too many things at once.

Additionally, setting realistic goals also means being aware of and accepting one’s own limitations and weaknesses. It’s important to be honest with oneself about what is possible, and not to compare oneself to others or to unrealistic standards.

3. Relaxing Workspace

A relaxing workspace is a crucial aspect of creating a positive and productive work environment. It is important for employees to have a comfortable and stress-free space in order to perform at their best. A relaxing workspace can help reduce stress, increase focus, and improve overall well-being.

Here are a few ways to create a relaxing workspace:

  • Incorporate plants: Plants have been shown to improve air quality and reduce stress.
  • Use calming colors: Soft, neutral colors such as blue, green, and white can help create a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Add personal touches: Employees should feel comfortable in their workspace, so allowing them to personalize their space with pictures, mementos, and other items can help create a sense of belonging and calm.
  • Encourage natural light: Natural light has been shown to improve mood and reduce eye strain.
  • Allow for flexibility: Providing different seating options such as standing desks, rocking chairs, and beanbags can help employees find a comfortable position, and allow them to move around during the workday.

In addition, companies can also provide facilities such as meditation rooms, yoga rooms, or quiet rooms to help employees relax and de-stress during the workday.

It’s also important to note that a relaxing workspace is not only about the physical environment, but also about the company culture and policies. Providing flexible working hours, encouraging regular breaks and vacations, promoting work-life balance, and providing mental health support, can also contribute to a relaxing workspace.

4. Taking Intentional Active Breaks

Taking intentional active breaks is an important aspect of maintaining productivity and well-being in the workplace. Sitting for long periods of time can lead to fatigue, eye strain, and a lack of focus. Taking regular active breaks can help to improve energy levels, increase concentration, and reduce stress.

Here are a few ways to take intentional active breaks:

  • Take a walk: Going for a short walk outside can help to clear the mind and improve mood.
  • Do some stretching: Stretching exercises can help to improve circulation and reduce muscle tension.
  • Take the stairs: Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs to get some extra physical activity.
  • Engage in a quick workout: Take a short break to do some simple exercises such as jumping jacks, push-ups, or squats.
  • Take a yoga break: Yoga can help to reduce stress and improve focus.

It’s also important to schedule these breaks, many time management techniques recommend the Pomodoro technique, which is a time management method that consists of working in short, focused intervals with regular breaks in between.

It’s also important to note that these active breaks don’t have to take a lot of time, even a few minutes can make a big difference. By taking regular active breaks, employees can recharge and refocus, which can lead to increased productivity and well-being.

5. Taking time to do what you love

Taking time to do what you love is an important aspect of maintaining overall well-being and happiness. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase motivation.

It’s important to make time for hobbies and interests, even if it means setting aside just a small amount of time each day or week. By setting aside dedicated time for activities that you enjoy, you can create a sense of balance in your life, and help you to feel more fulfilled and satisfied.

Here are a few ways to make time for what you love:

  • Prioritize: Identify what activities you enjoy the most and make them a priority in your schedule.
  • Schedule it in: Block out time in your calendar for your hobby or interest, just like you would any other important task or meeting.
  • Be flexible: Be open to finding new ways to fit your hobbies and interests into your schedule, such as doing a hobby during your lunch break or before bed.
  • Make it a habit: By making it a habit to engage in activities that you enjoy, it will become easier to make time for them on a regular basis.

It’s also important to note that taking time to do what you love is not only about engaging in hobbies and interests outside of work, but also about finding ways to incorporate what you love into your work or career. By finding a job or career that aligns with your passions and interests, you can find greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your work.

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

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7 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

“The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength, not lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” ― Vince Lombardi

Entrepreneurship is all about having the determination to succeed and the resilience to push through challenging times. But while tenacity and drive are important, they won’t get you very far without the right set of skills. In this guide, we’ll look at seven essential skills every entrepreneur should possess to increase their chances of achieving success.

Why Entrepreneurial Skills Are Crucial?

Entrepreneurial skills are important for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the key reasons why developing these skills is crucial:

Starting a successful business: Entrepreneurs who possess a range of skills such as creativity, strategic thinking, and financial management are more likely to start a successful business. By identifying opportunities, creating a solid business plan, and managing finances effectively, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success.

Career advancement: Even if you’re not starting your own business, developing entrepreneurial skills can help you advance in your career. For example, strong leadership skills can help you move into management positions, while strategic thinking and creativity can help you find new solutions to problems and make valuable contributions to your organization.

Adaptability: The business landscape is constantly changing, and entrepreneurs who possess adaptability skills are better equipped to navigate these changes. Being able to pivot your business strategy, take advantage of new opportunities, and respond to changes in the market can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Innovation: Entrepreneurs who possess creativity and innovation skills are able to come up with new ideas and solutions that can help them stand out in their industry. By thinking outside the box and being willing to take risks, entrepreneurs can create innovative products and services that meet the needs of their customers.

Impact: Finally, entrepreneurs who possess a range of skills are able to make a positive impact in their industry and community. By starting a successful business, creating jobs, and contributing to the economy, entrepreneurs can make a difference in the lives of others and leave a lasting legacy.

Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

1. Leadership

Leadership is a crucial skill for entrepreneurs as it enables them to guide and inspire their team toward a common goal. A leader must possess the ability to communicate effectively, make difficult decisions, and inspire trust and confidence in those around them. In addition, a leader must also be adaptable and able to navigate through uncertainty and change.

Effective leaders can create a clear vision for their company and communicate it to their team in a way that is easy to understand. They can also able to make decisions quickly and confidently, even when faced with ambiguity. Additionally, a good leader can inspire and motivate their team to work together towards a common goal.

Leadership is not only about giving orders, it also requires being a good listener and being able to understand the perspectives of others. A leader should be able to empathize with the team, understand their concerns and address them.

Furthermore, a leader should also serve as a role model for their team, embodying the company’s values and leading by example. This includes being ethical, transparent, and accountable for the actions of the team.

Overall, leadership is a key skill for entrepreneurs as it allows them to effectively guide and inspire their teams toward achieving their goals. A good leader can create a clear vision, make decisions confidently, and inspire trust and motivation in those around them.

2. Curiosity

Curiosity is a vital trait for entrepreneurs as it drives them to explore new ideas and possibilities. Curious entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to improve and innovate, whether it be in their products, services, or business models. They are constantly seeking out new information and knowledge, and are open to learning from their mistakes and failures.

Curiosity allows entrepreneurs to think outside the box and come up with unique and creative solutions to problems. They are not content with the status quo and are always on the lookout for new opportunities. This mindset enables them to spot trends and changes in the market before their competitors and to be able to pivot their business strategy when necessary.

Being curious also means that entrepreneurs are open to new perspectives and ideas, which can lead to collaboration and partnerships that would otherwise not be possible. They can see potential in others and in their ideas, which can lead to the development of new products, services, or business models.

Curiosity also helps entrepreneurs to stay motivated and engaged in their work. They can find joy in the process of learning and discovery, rather than just the result.

3. Risk Taking 

Risk-taking is a fundamental aspect of entrepreneurship. Starting a business involves taking on a significant amount of risk, from investing money and time to the uncertainty of success. Entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks are more likely to achieve success in the long run.

Risk-taking allows entrepreneurs to seize opportunities that others may not be willing to pursue. It gives them the ability to think differently and come up with innovative solutions to problems. Entrepreneurs who take risks are also more likely to push their boundaries and achieve greater success than those who play it safe.

However, it’s important to note that risk-taking does not mean being reckless or impulsive. Entrepreneurs must be able to evaluate and manage the risks they take. This means understanding the potential costs and benefits of a decision, as well as having a plan in place to mitigate potential negative outcomes.

Effective risk-taking also requires a balance of caution and courage. Entrepreneurs must be willing to take calculated risks and not be afraid to fail. They should learn from their mistakes and use them to make better decisions in the future.

4. Tenacity

Tenacity, also known as perseverance or grit, is the ability to persist in the face of challenges and setbacks. It is a crucial trait for entrepreneurs as the road to success is often filled with obstacles and difficulties. Entrepreneurs who possess tenacity can push through these challenges and keep moving forward toward their goals.

Entrepreneurs with tenacity are not easily discouraged by failure. Instead, they view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They can pick themselves up and keep going, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. They also can bounce back from setbacks and keep their focus on the end goal.

Tenacity also means being resourceful and finding ways to overcome obstacles. Entrepreneurs who possess this trait can think creatively and come up with solutions to problems that others may not have considered. They are also able to adapt to change and find new ways to move forward when faced with unexpected challenges.

In addition, tenacity also means being able to stay motivated and focused. Entrepreneurs with this trait can maintain their drive and determination, even in the face of long-term obstacles or setbacks. They can stay committed to their goals and continue to work towards them, even when faced with obstacles.

5. Ability to Learn

The ability to learn is a crucial skill for entrepreneurs as it enables them to continuously improve and adapt to changes in the market. Entrepreneurs who possess this skill can acquire new knowledge and skills quickly, which can be applied to their business. They are open to learning from their mistakes and are always looking for ways to improve their products, services, and processes.

The ability to learn also means being open to new ideas and perspectives. Entrepreneurs who possess this skill can see the value in the ideas of others and are not afraid to consider them. This can lead to the development of new products, services, or business models.

Moreover, being able to learn also entails being able to manage and apply knowledge effectively. Entrepreneurs who possess this skill can take the information they have learned and apply it to their businesses in a meaningful way. They can identify what information is relevant, and how it can be used to improve their business.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the ability to learn quickly and adapt to changes is more important than ever. Entrepreneurs who possess this skill can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow their businesses.

6. Networking 

Networking is a vital skill for entrepreneurs as it allows them to connect with other business professionals and build relationships that can be beneficial for their businesses. Entrepreneurs who are skilled at networking can establish connections with potential partners, customers, and investors, which can lead to new opportunities and growth for their businesses.

Effective networking also involves the ability to communicate effectively and build trust with others. Entrepreneurs who are skilled at networking can articulate their ideas and their business effectively, which can help them to stand out and make a lasting impression. They are also able to build trust and credibility with others, which can lead to mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations.

Akasa Coworking provides a thriving community of solopreneurs and companies that not only will provide you the support and encouragement but will help you build valuable business connections.

7. Mastering social media

Social media has overtaken traditional networking and entrepreneurs should be able to use different social media platforms in some capacity.

Learning and Listening: If you don’t have anything to say, then listen and learn from your target audience who uses Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn 

Take Action: The decisions and actions entrepreneurs make are bold and social media is the perfect place to tell the world about it, be it a new product launch or having collaborations. 

Connection: social media is all about making relationships with people who can help your business grow. 

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

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7 Tips for better communication with remote teams

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any successful team – be it physically present in the same office, or geographically dispersed. 

With the present condition of affairs, the majority of individuals are working remotely. In the digital age, the 40-hour workweek is obsolete.

But effective communication between remote teams poses its own unique set of challenges. From managing expectations to overcoming language barriers, navigating the remote workplace comes with a set of obstacles. 

However, with some thoughtful steps and practices, remote teams can develop the skills to communicate effectively regardless of their geographical location.

Importance of effective communication with remote teams

In recent years, remote work has become more prevalent than ever before. Many organizations are transitioning from traditional in-person work environments to remote work arrangements. Remote teams are made up of individuals working in different locations, who must rely on technology to stay connected and collaborate on projects. While remote work has its benefits, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in terms of communication.

Effective communication is crucial for remote teams to function well. When team members are working in different locations, there is a higher risk of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Without the right communication strategies, remote workers may feel disconnected, isolated, and unproductive. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that communication within remote teams is efficient, transparent, and inclusive.

One of the most significant challenges in remote communication is the lack of face-to-face interaction. Without visual cues, team members may struggle to interpret tone, meaning, and intent. In addition, differences in time zones, language barriers, and cultural norms can make communication even more complex. Therefore, remote teams must prioritize clear and concise communication to avoid confusion and misinterpretation.

Effective communication also builds trust and camaraderie among team members. When team members communicate openly and regularly, they develop a sense of community and shared purpose. This, in turn, leads to greater collaboration, productivity, and creativity.

To ensure effective communication within remote teams, organizations should invest in the right communication tools and platforms. Video conferencing tools, instant messaging apps, and email are all essential tools for remote communication. It is also important to establish clear communication protocols and guidelines to ensure that team members know when and how to communicate with each other.

In summary, effective communication is critical for remote teams to succeed. Clear and concise communication builds trust and fosters collaboration, while also reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunication. Organizations that prioritize effective communication strategies are more likely to build successful remote teams and achieve their goals.

Tips For Better Communication

Here are some tips that can help to have better communication with your remote team:

 1. Create a virtual water cooler

A virtual water cooler is a space where remote team members can come together and connect informally, just like they would at a physical office’s water cooler. The idea is to create a place where team members can chat, share updates, and bond over common interests, all while fostering a sense of community and connection.

Here are a few steps to create a virtual water cooler for your remote team:

Dedicate a space: Choose a communication platform like Akasa Coworking’s Engage app. It is easy to reserve meeting rooms and have seamless virtual interactions, and create a dedicated channel for the virtual water cooler. This channel should be separate from other work-related channels to avoid distractions and keep the conversation light.

Encourage participation: Let team members know that a virtual water cooler is a place for casual conversation, and encourage them to participate. This can be done through regular reminders, or by scheduling regular virtual coffee breaks or happy hours.

Foster a sense of community: Encourage team members to share their hobbies, interests, and personal updates. This can help to foster a sense of community and connection among team members.

Mix it up: To keep things interesting, try to mix it up by hosting different types of virtual events, such as trivia nights, book clubs, or virtual game nights.

Make it inclusive: Be mindful of time zones and schedules, and try to schedule virtual water cooler events at times that are convenient for all team members. It’s also important to be inclusive of all team members and create a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

Creating a virtual water cooler can be a great way to help remote team members feel connected and engaged, even when working remotely. By dedicating a space for casual conversation and fostering a sense of community, you can help to create a more positive and productive remote work environment.

2. Demonstrate compassion for others

Because of the steep learning curve that will unavoidably occur, firms that are new to the world of remote work should be aware of this. Empathy for all employees is one method to make this learning curve less difficult.

Here are a few ways to demonstrate compassion for others:

Listen actively: When someone is speaking, give them your full attention and actively listen to what they are saying. Avoid interrupting or thinking about what you will say next.

Show empathy: Try to understand the other person’s perspective and feelings. Acknowledge their emotions, validate their experiences, and be understanding of their situation.

Be present: Be in the moment and give the other person your full attention. Avoid distractions and show that you are fully engaged in the conversation.

Offer help: If someone is going through a difficult time, offer to help in any way that you can. This can be something as simple as offering a listening ear, or as practical as providing resources or assistance.

Be supportive: Be there for the other person, even if they don’t need your help. Offer words of encouragement, be a shoulder to cry on, and be a supportive friend.

Practice self-compassion: Showing compassion to others starts with being compassionate towards yourself. Take the time to take care of your own needs and emotions, practice self-care, and be kind to yourself.

Lead by example: Demonstrating compassion is contagious, by showing compassion towards others, you are setting an example for others to follow.

Demonstrating compassion for others is an important aspect of building strong relationships and fostering a positive and supportive environment. It takes effort and practice to be compassionate, but it can have a significant impact on the well-being of others and the overall atmosphere of a team or community.

 3. Consider the needs of your team. 

Consideration of the needs of your team is essential for creating a successful and productive work environment. When team members feel that their needs are being taken into account, they are more likely to feel valued, engaged and motivated.

Here are a few ways to consider the needs of your team:

Communicate openly: Encourage open communication within your team, and make sure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Regular team meetings, check-ins, and pulse surveys can be helpful in this regard.

Be flexible: Be open to accommodating your plans and strategies as per the needs of your team. This could mean being open to working flexible hours, adjusting deadlines, or reassigning tasks to better suit the strengths of your team.

Provide support: Make sure that your team has the resources and support they need to be successful. This could include providing training, offering mentorship, or providing access to necessary tools and equipment.

Foster a positive work environment: Create an environment where team members feel valued, respected, and supported. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and open communication.

Show appreciation: Show your team members that you appreciate their hard work and contributions. Recognize their achievements, celebrate their successes, and acknowledge their contributions.

Be understanding: Be understanding of the unique needs and circumstances of each team member. Be sensitive to cultural differences, language barriers, and other factors that may impact a team member’s work.

Involve the team: Involve your team in decision-making and planning. This can help to ensure that their needs and perspectives are taken into account, and can also foster a sense of ownership and engagement among team members.

By considering the needs of your team, you can create a more positive, productive, and successful work environment. When team members feel that their needs are being taken into account, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving shared goals.

4. Ask clarifying questions

When assumptions are made, remote teams can run into difficulty as it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. For example, a team member may assume that a task has been completed, while in reality, it has not been started. This can lead to delays, wasted time, and frustration for all team members involved.

Encouraging team members to ask follow-up questions can help to reduce the potential for misunderstandings and assumptions. By asking questions, team members can ensure that they fully understand the information that is being presented, and can clarify any ambiguities or uncertainties. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that tasks and projects are completed accurately and efficiently.

Moreover, it can also help to create a culture of open communication within the remote team. When team members feel comfortable asking questions, they are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas, and contribute to team discussions. This can lead to more effective problem-solving, better decision-making, and a more cohesive team overall.

5. Commemorate accomplishments of the person and the group

Commemorating the accomplishments of both individuals and the group in a remote team is important, as it can help to create a sense of connection, motivation, and engagement among team members, despite being physically apart. Here are a few ways to commemorate the accomplishments of both individuals and the group in a remote team:

Use virtual tools: Utilize virtual tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, or company-wide announcements to recognize and celebrate individual and team accomplishments. This can be done through virtual team meetings, shoutouts, or even virtual awards ceremonies.

Personalized messages: Send personalized messages of recognition and congratulations to individuals and the team, this can be done through emails, instant messaging, or even video calls.

Create a virtual bulletin board: Create a virtual bulletin board where team members can post and share their accomplishments, this can be a great way for team members to see the progress and achievements of their colleagues.

Celebrate milestones: Celebrate milestones such as work anniversaries, tenure, or long-term project completion with virtual celebrations or rewards.

Share achievements with the company: Share the accomplishments of the remote team with the company as a whole, this can be done through company-wide announcements, newsletters, or social media.

Incorporate the remote team’s accomplishments into goal-setting: Incorporate the remote team’s accomplishments into the goal-setting process, this will help to keep the team motivated and focused on future achievements.

6. Try some team-building activities.

Take some of the traditional team-building exercises and adapt them for the online environment. Using virtual team-building activities is a great way to improve teamwork and promote morale.

Team building activities like happy hours, pub quizzes, and even a game of bingo may help boost morale and remind everyone just how vital it is to communicate with one another. Plus, having fun together makes it easier to operate as a unit.

Once-a-month lunches for the entire team are a great way to smooth out the hierarchies and raise the team’s motivation, as well as a great way to establish trust and improve communication. 

Members of Akasa Coworking’s Club and Connect can take advantage of exclusive deals and discounts at high-end restaurants for team dining, business lunches, and other corporate gatherings.

7. Regular Mood Checks

Regular mood checks are a way for organizations and managers to assess the well-being and morale of their employees, particularly in remote teams where the lack of face-to-face interactions can make it harder to gauge the mood of the team. Mood checks can be done through various methods such as surveys, polls, interviews or other forms of feedback.

Here are a few benefits of conducting regular mood checks:

Identify potential issues: It can help identify potential issues or concerns that team members may be facing. This can include problems with the workload, communication, or even personal issues that may be affecting their work performance.

Improve employee engagement: By regularly checking in on the mood of the team, managers can ensure that employees feel heard and valued. This can help to improve employee engagement and motivation.

Address concerns: By identifying potential issues, managers can take appropriate steps to address them, which can help to improve the overall work environment.

Measure progress: It can also be used to measure progress over time. By comparing the results of mood checks over time, managers can identify trends and see how the team’s mood has changed.

Improve communication: Regular mood checks can help to improve communication within the team and between team members and managers. This can help to foster a more positive and productive work environment.

Tailor support: It can help managers to tailor the support they provide to their team members, this can be done by identifying the specific needs of each team member and addressing them accordingly.

It’s important to keep in mind that regular mood checks should be conducted in a confidential and non-judgmental manner, and the feedback should be used constructively to improve the overall work environment and support the well-being of team members. Regular mood checks can be a valuable tool for managers to understand the mood and well-being of their remote teams, and to take appropriate actions to address any issues that arise.

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

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Creating a Healthy & Productive Workspace at a Coworking Space

coworking space

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for our overall well-being and happiness. It allows us to be more productive and fulfilled in both our personal and professional lives. However, finding the right balance can be a challenge, especially when working in a coworking space where there are often many distractions and opportunities to work longer hours.

In this blog post, we will explore some tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance at a coworking space. From setting boundaries to prioritizing self-care, these strategies can help you find the balance that works best for you and your needs. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or remote worker, these tips can help you make the most of your time and stay happy and healthy while working in a coworking space.

Meanwhile, if you’re considering working in a coworking space, it’s a good idea to do some research and visit a few different spaces to find one that meets your needs and budget. In comparison, Akasa Coworking provides you with the best working environment in which to engage in work and excel.

When working at a coworking space, consider these healthy work habits

A wide variety of professionals use coworking spaces more often, including entrepreneurs, lawyers, engineers, journalists, designers, advertising, freelancers, and more. Regardless of occupation, everyone should develop healthy work habits in a collaborative setting. Respect for other users is essential in coworking spaces. You must behave appropriately since other employees are here, so keep that in mind.

1. Mind Your Etiquettes

Be courteous and sociable to everyone you come across. One can start a business collaboration or even a friendship with a simple “good morning” or “see you tomorrow.” You never know when you’ll be paired up with someone who has enormous potential for your organization.

Be courteous and sociable to everyone you come across. One can start a business collaboration or even a friendship with a simple “good morning” or “see you tomorrow.” You never know when you’ll be paired up with someone who has enormous potential for your organization.

2. Get Respect By Respecting Others

To get respect in a coworking space, it is important to give respect to others. This includes being considerate of others’ space, noise levels, and needs. It is important to follow the rules and guidelines set by the coworking space, such as not bringing in outside food or drinks or respecting the designated quiet areas.

Respecting the commitments and schedules of others is also essential. This means not interrupting someone who is in the middle of a meeting or task, and being punctual and reliable for any scheduled meetings or events.

By giving respect to others in the coworking space, you are more likely to receive respect in return and create a positive and collaborative work environment for all.

3. Don’t Disturb Personal Space

Since you are not the only person using the coworking space, observing the guidelines will help you get along well with your coworkers.

It’s easy to avoid conflict with other users by simply speaking quietly on the phone. Even if some noise will inevitably be made, respect other people’s privacy and avoid doing anything that would make their day more difficult.

4. Avoid Exploiting Shared Amenities

It is important to remember that shared amenities in a coworking space, such as conference rooms and common areas, are meant to be used by all members of the community. However, it is not fair to keep using these resources for extended periods of time or consistently take them without regard for others who may also need to use them.

It is important to be considerate of others and make sure to only use shared amenities when necessary, and to release them for others to use when you are finished. It is also a good idea to schedule the use of shared amenities in advance to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to access them. By following these guidelines, you can help create a healthy and respectful coworking environment for all members.

5. Help Organise the Pantry & Kitchen

When using a shared kitchen in a coworking space, it’s important to be considerate of other people’s food and belongings. One of the most common complaints in shared kitchens is food theft or misuse. To prevent this, it’s important to follow a few guidelines:

Respect others’ food and belongings: If you see food or supplies in the refrigerator or cabinets that don’t belong to you, don’t touch them without permission. Make sure to label your own food and supplies clearly so others don’t mistake them for their own.

Clean up after yourself: Keep the kitchen tidy after using it, and put appliances back where they belong. This includes wiping down counters, cleaning up spills, and washing dishes.

Use appliances responsibly: When using appliances like the microwave and kettle, be considerate of others who may be waiting to use them. Don’t hog the appliances or leave them dirty for the next person to clean.

Follow the rules: Make sure to follow any rules or guidelines that have been established for using the kitchen. These might include restrictions on cooking certain foods, limitations on the amount of food or supplies you can store, or specific hours when the kitchen is open.

By following these guidelines, you can help create a more harmonious and productive environment in the shared kitchen of your coworking space. It’s all about being considerate and respectful of others and their belongings, while also doing your part to keep the space clean and organized for everyone to use.

6. Maintain Your Health

Maintaining good health is an essential part of being productive and successful in any workspace, including a coworking space. Here are some tips to help you maintain your health while working in a coworking space:

Take regular breaks: Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help you stay focused and avoid burnout. Make sure to step away from your desk and move your body, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Take a quick walk, stretch, or do some light exercise to get your blood flowing and your energy up.

Practice good posture: Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can be hard on your body. To maintain good posture, make sure your chair is adjusted to the right height and position, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Avoid slouching or hunching over your computer, and take breaks to stand up and stretch your back and neck.

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential for staying hydrated and alert. Keep a water bottle on your desk and make sure to refill it regularly. Avoid sugary drinks and caffeine, which can cause crashes and jitters.

Eat healthy snacks: Snacking on healthy foods throughout the day can help keep your energy levels up and prevent crashes. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and other healthy snacks that can be easily stored at your desk.

Practice good hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene is important for staying healthy and avoiding the spread of germs. Make sure to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face. Use hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to clean your workspace and any shared surfaces.

7. Maintain Your Discipline and Self-Control

If you’re working in a coworking space, it’s important to stay organized and contained to ensure you have a productive and efficient work environment. Here are some tips to help you remain organized and contained in a coworking space:

  1. Use a designated workspace: Choose a specific area within the coworking space to set up your workspace. This helps you stay focused and avoid distractions from other people or noise in the coworking space.
  2. Keep your work materials organized: Use file folders, organizers, and other tools to keep your work materials organized and easy to access. This will help you stay on top of your tasks and reduce the risk of misplacing important documents.
  3. Use a storage solution: Consider using a storage solution such as a locker or cabinet to keep your personal belongings safe and out of the way. This will help you keep your workspace clutter-free and organized.
  4. Follow the coworking space’s rules and regulations: Be sure to follow the rules and regulations of the coworking space you’re working in to avoid any disruptions or issues. This includes respecting other people’s workspaces and being mindful of noise levels.

8. Communicate with your coworkers

If you share a workspace with others, communicate with them to ensure that everyone has the space and resources they need to work effectively. This will help you all stay organized and contained in the coworking space.

9. Follow Hygiene

There are many ways you can maintain hygiene in your workspace. 

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Keep the shared spaces clean by disposing of trash and wiping down surfaces after use. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and use tissues or a handkerchief to contain germs. Avoid sharing personal items such as headphones, pens, or keyboards with others. If you are feeling ill, stay home to prevent spreading illness to others. 

Follow any additional guidelines or protocols set by the coworking space to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the environment.


It’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance for your overall well-being and happiness. As a result, we are able to be more productive and fulfilled both in our personal and professional lives. While it can be a challenge to find the right balance, especially when working in a coworking space, there are many strategies and tips that can help. From setting boundaries to prioritizing self-care, these strategies can help you find the balance that works best for you and your needs.

If you’re interested in finding a coworking space that supports a healthy work-life balance, consider booking with Akasa Coworking Space. Our flexible and affordable options, including hot desks, dedicated desks, and private offices, are designed to help you work more efficiently and effectively. Plus, with access to shared amenities such as WiFi, printing, and kitchen facilities, you can focus on your work without worrying about the little things.

Don’t let an unhealthy work-life balance hold you back from reaching your full potential. Book a coworking space with Akasa today and start enjoying the benefits of a healthy, productive workspace.

Write to us at to learn more about our coworking office space for rent in Bengaluru, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

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10 Amazing Benefits of Co-working Spaces for SMEs in 2023

co-working spaces

Co-working spaces have been a sigh of relief for those who had earlier been struggling to find a space for running daily operations. The concept of having a coworking space brings about many benefits that both employees and employers can enjoy.

While the former gets exposed to a more productive environment with tons of networking opportunities, the latter can save costs at a lesser price to pay for these spaces. A lot of people are moving towards this cost-effective option to start their businesses, owing to the benefits that these spaces offer.

If you are a budding entrepreneur and are looking for a space to start your business, then a coworking space is the best option for you.

Not convinced? In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 amazing benefits of co-working spaces for SMEs and startups in 2023 and beyond. From increased productivity and networking opportunities to access to state-of-the-art amenities and a sense of community, co-working spaces can provide a wide range of benefits that can help businesses thrive.

So whether you’re a small business owner looking for a new office space or a startup trying to get off the ground, it’s worth considering the benefits of a co-working space. Read on to learn more about how these shared office spaces can help your business succeed in the coming year and beyond.

Advantages of Co-working Spaces to Accelerate your Business


One of the top benefits of working in a coworking space is that they are not as rigid as a proper corporate space, but are more structured than your home. The formalities and distractions are lesser than in a corporate space, leading to better productivity.

Also, coworking spaces aren’t just chairs and tables; they have common conference rooms and meeting cabins that can be booked to schedule meetings and close deals. Each element of a coworking space is for a reason, which caters to every need of you as a professional. It fosters creativity and better operational efficiency.


The difficulties of working from home may be alleviated by using coworking facilities that are tied to Equity Theory. It’s impossible to compare your own performance to that of your coworkers when you work from home since you can’t see them when they come or how they’re performing each day. When you’re surrounded by other people, it’s easier to focus and get motivated to work.


A coworking space is different than a traditional workspace, as the people working there belong to a vast range of companies. Since those people come from different professional backgrounds, collaboration is what matters the most, instead of competition. So, if you are working at a coworking space, grab your chance and extract the best out of your environment.

Enhanced well-being

The only element that separates traditional workspaces from coworking spaces is the absence of a work-life balance. Coworking spaces offer an environment that fosters the holistic development of individuals. There are a lot of shared workspaces that house on-site yoga studios, dog-friendly offices, and so on. With such flexibility in workspaces, productivity and overall well-being come in handy.

You get to choose flexible work hours

Depending on the size of your team, you can choose the space and the working hours you want in a coworking space. Either you can opt for hot desks or can go for a private cabin if you have a small team. You can avail of many facilities such as the pantry, locker, play area, and so on, to enjoy while working. You have the freedom of working at your own pace and avail of all amenities, without having to burn a hole in your pocket.

Access to a vibrant community

People prefer coworking spaces to work from home because they get to interact with people across various professional backgrounds, thus opening doors for relationship building. You never know, the person sitting right next to you can be a potential customer!

Workplace Ergonomics

Being productive is a breeze when you’re surrounded by well-planned places, which also provide intangibles like soothing music, enough daylight, and comfortable temperatures. Akasa Coworking in Kolkata is intuitively designed in a way that allows movement, has well-placed ergonomic chairs, charging plugs, adjustable standing desks, laptop stands, well-positioned computer screens, and access to delicious coffee and tea that all add up to improving efficiency and productivity.

Go Green

Space can be a strong tool for fostering participation, inspiring creativity, and promoting productivity and efficiency.

Introducing a bit of green in the workspace increases work satisfaction, heightened self-reported concentration levels, and improves ‘perceived’ air quality (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine). Plants have been shown to alleviate stress, restore attention capacity, and boost productivity by approximately 15 percent.  Akasa Coworking in Bangalore, with its gorgeous and relaxing view of nature, is a great spot to take a break with a cup of coffee.


82% of surveyed members at a coworking space reported expanding their professional network, 84% of colleagues claimed that coworking spaces near them helped them build motivation and engagement, and 51% of coworking members reported finding new chances for work, according to research.

Akasa Coworking spaces provide structure and closeness to other creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, and small enterprises that may help one get a fresh perspective and brainstorm, and seek guidance when required. When you’re surrounded by individuals who share your interests, you’re more likely to persevere through challenges and be more creative and productive.


In today’s professional world, networking is essential, and coworking spaces provide a wealth of options for doing so. A brief coffee break or a chance encounter with someone in the business you’re trying to get into may open up a whole new world of possibilities.

In Akasa Coworking spaces, you’ll find people of different skill sets. If your project requires a different skill set, you may be able to easily outsource those aspects of your projects or may be even driven to learn a new skill as a consequence of working in a coworking space nearby. Research reveals that 69% of coworking members say they have acquired new skills, and 68% say they have improved their existing skill set as a result of working in coworking space.

Coworking spaces are full of opportunities that you can make the most of and expand your business!

In Summary

Over the past few years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of coworking spaces in the country, to provide people with the comfort and flexibility they need. If you are among those looking for an affordable co-working space, then book one at the earliest and enjoy the benefits of coworking!

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri. Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

In conclusion, co-working spaces offer a wealth of benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups. From increased productivity and networking opportunities to access to state-of-the-art amenities and a sense of community, co-working spaces can provide a range of advantages that can help businesses thrive.

If you’re a small business owner or startup looking for new office space, it’s definitely worth considering the benefits of a co-working space. Whether you’re in need of a short-term solution or a long-term home for your business, co-working spaces offer the flexibility and cost-effectiveness that can help your business succeed in the coming year and beyond.

So if you’re looking to make a change in 2023, don’t overlook the potential benefits of a co-working space. It could be just the boost your business needs to reach new heights of success.

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Why Coworking Spaces Are Important & Tips to Find the Right One

coworking spaces

Starting a business is no small feat. In addition to all of the planning, research, and preparation that goes into launching a company, you also need to find a suitable workspace. For many new businesses, renting or leasing an office space can be cost-prohibitive. And working from home can be lonely and distracting. Enter coworking spaces.

Coworking spaces are shared work environments that provide all of the amenities of a traditional office space without the high price tag. In recent years, coworking spaces have become increasingly popular among startups and small businesses for their flexibility, affordability, and array of benefits.

Benefits of coworking spaces for new entrepreneurs

Here are just a few reasons why your new business should consider coworking.


Coworking spaces have become increasingly popular among businesses and entrepreneurs due to their cost-saving benefits. Renting a traditional office space can be a significant financial burden, especially for startups and small businesses. Coworking spaces offer an affordable solution to this problem, as businesses can share the cost of renting a workspace. 

Furthermore, businesses can benefit from shared resources, such as high-speed internet, printers, scanners, conference rooms, and kitchen facilities, without incurring additional expenses. This cost-effective approach allows businesses to focus on their core operations and scale their business as needed.

Coworking spaces offer businesses the flexibility to choose from a variety of plans that cater to different needs and budgets. For example, businesses can rent a private office, a dedicated desk, or a flexible desk, depending on their requirements. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their operations up or down as needed, without incurring additional expenses.

Networking & Collaboration

Networking and collaboration are two of the most significant benefits of coworking spaces for businesses and entrepreneurs. Coworking spaces offer an opportunity for individuals to work in a community of like-minded people, promoting the exchange of ideas, skills, and knowledge.

Networking is an essential aspect of business development, and coworking spaces provide an excellent environment for networking with other professionals. Business owners can interact with other entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals from various industries, making valuable connections that can lead to partnerships, collaborations, and potential clients. Moreover, coworking spaces often organize networking events and workshops that provide opportunities for businesses to network and learn from each other.

Collaboration is another significant benefit of coworking spaces. Businesses and entrepreneurs can collaborate with other professionals in the same space, leading to innovative ideas and projects. Collaboration can also help businesses to gain new perspectives and insights, leading to improved problem-solving and decision-making.

Professional Environment

A professional environment is crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs, as it can impact their productivity, credibility, and overall success. Coworking spaces provide a professional environment that is conducive to work and enables businesses to present themselves in a professional manner.

Professional Environment

Coworking spaces are designed to provide a professional & productive workspace that is fully equipped with all the necessary facilities and equipment required to run a business. These facilities include high-speed internet, printers, scanners, conference rooms, and other office equipment. Moreover, coworking spaces offer a comfortable and professional atmosphere, making it easier for businesses to meet clients and conduct meetings.

Coworking spaces provide businesses with a physical address and mailing services, which can help to enhance their professional image. A professional address can help businesses to establish credibility and legitimacy, which is essential for building a positive brand image.

Community & Support

One of the most significant benefits of coworking spaces is the sense of community that they provide. Coworking spaces enable businesses to work alongside other professionals from various industries, promoting collaboration and a sense of camaraderie. This community can provide valuable support, guidance, and inspiration to businesses, making it easier for them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Moreover, coworking spaces offer a supportive environment that can help businesses to thrive. The community provides a platform for businesses to share their experiences and learn from each other. The supportive environment can also help businesses to stay motivated, especially during challenging times.

Convenience & Amenities

One of the main benefits of coworking spaces is the convenience they offer. Coworking spaces are fully equipped with all the necessary facilities and amenities required to run a business, such as high-speed internet, printers, scanners, and office furniture. This means that businesses can move into a coworking space without having to worry about setting up an office or purchasing equipment, saving time and money.

Coworking spaces provide various amenities that can make the work environment more comfortable and enjoyable. These amenities may include refreshments, breakout areas, lounges, and fitness centers. These amenities can help to improve employee morale and productivity, as they provide a space for employees to relax and recharge.

Increased Productivity

Increased productivity is one of the most significant benefits of coworking spaces for businesses and entrepreneurs. Coworking spaces provide an environment that promotes productivity, allowing businesses to achieve more in less time.

One of the main reasons why coworking spaces promote increased productivity is the lack of distractions. Working from home or in a coffee shop can be distracting, leading to a decrease in productivity. In contrast, coworking spaces provide a focused work environment, free from distractions, making it easier for businesses to concentrate on their work.

Moreover, coworking spaces offer a collaborative and inspiring environment that can help to boost creativity and productivity. Working alongside other professionals from various industries can help businesses to gain new insights, ideas, and perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions and approaches.

Furthermore, coworking spaces often provide opportunities for businesses to participate in workshops, training programs, and networking events that can help to improve their skills and knowledge. These programs can help businesses to develop new skills and gain new insights, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Improved work-life balance is one of the most significant benefits of coworking spaces for businesses and entrepreneurs. Coworking spaces provide an environment that promotes work-life balance, enabling businesses to achieve success while maintaining a healthy personal life.

One of the main benefits of coworking spaces is the flexibility they offer. Coworking spaces provide businesses with the freedom to choose when and where they work. This flexibility allows businesses to work around their personal schedules, enabling them to balance their work and personal life effectively.

Moreover, coworking spaces provide businesses with the opportunity to socialize and network with other professionals, leading to better mental health and well-being. The supportive environment can help to reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a better work-life balance.

11 Important Factors Choosing a Coworking Space in 2023

There can be several challenges when choosing a coworking space. One of the main challenges is finding a space that is conveniently located and easily accessible for you and your team. Another challenge is finding a space that is the right size and has a layout that meets your needs. Additionally, there may be challenges in finding a coworking space that offers the amenities and services you require, such as access to meeting rooms and networking events. Cost can also be a challenge, as some coworking spaces may be outside of your budget. Lastly, finding a coworking space with a welcoming and inclusive community can also be a challenge.

Here are few tips that will help you decide the right shared office space for your team

  1. Consider the location and accessibility of the coworking space. It should be conveniently located for you and your team, and should have easy access to public transportation, parking, and other amenities.
  2. Think about the size and layout of the space. It should be large enough to accommodate your team, and should have a layout that allows for collaboration and productivity.
  3. Consider the amenities and services offered by the coworking space. These may include access to meeting rooms, networking events, and other resources that can help your business grow.
  4. Look for a coworking space that offers a welcoming and inclusive community. This can help you build connections and collaborations with other businesses and professionals in your industry.
  5. Check the price of the coworking space and compare it to other options in the area. Make sure it fits within your budget and offers value for money.
  6. Consider the technology and infrastructure offered by the coworking space. This may include high-speed internet, printing and scanning facilities, and other essential tools for running your business.
  7. Look for a coworking space that offers flexibility. This may include the ability to upgrade or downgrade your membership as your business grows or changes, and the option to use the space on a part-time or full-time basis.
  8. Consider the security and safety of the coworking space. This may include secure access to the building, 24/7 surveillance, and other measures to protect your team and your business.
  9. Look for a coworking space that offers support and guidance. This may include mentorship programs, workshops, and other resources to help your business succeed.
  10. Consider the culture and values of the coworking space. This should align with your own business culture and values, and should foster a positive and productive work environment.
  11. Take a tour of the coworking space before making a decision. This will give you a chance to see the space in person, meet the staff and other members, and get a feel for the community and environment.

Overall, there are many reasons why coworking spaces can be beneficial for startups and new businesses. From increased productivity and networking opportunities to professionalism and convenience, there are plenty of reasons why coworking spaces such as Akasa should be considered as you launch your new company. So if you’re looking for an affordable, flexible, and supportive environment for your startup or small business, Akasa Coworking just might be perfect for you!

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Productivity and Ergonomics: The Best Way to Organize Your Desk

How to Increase Productivity Without Increasing Stress

Spending long periods of time in front of a computer can have negative effects on your health and well-being, so it’s important to pay attention to the tiniest details of your workspace, such as the height of your chair and the placement of your monitor.

Although you may not notice it on a daily basis, things like uncomfortable chairs, cluttered desks, and dim lighting can tire you down in the workplace.

Here are four ways to make your desk as productive as possible:

1. Colours

The majority of the displays nowadays are black and white, and for good reason: they look professional and get the job done!

Setting up in a single colour allows you to add accents of virtually any hue to your workspace.

Colors such as red, which is energising and warming according to colour psychology; blue, which aids concentration; green, which is a balancing color; and so on can work wonders.

Even something as small as adding desk supplies in coordinating colours could help you stay focused instead of distracted by your desk.


2. Clever Tools

Think about the typical tasks you perform when sitting at a desk:

  • Taking meetings
  • Charging your phone
  • Importing files onto a computer

Think about how you can add tools like desk lamps, well-placed external webcams, a wireless charging puck, etc to make your work convenient and your space organized.


3. Ergonomic Chair

If you spend a lot of time at your workplace desk, the chair you use is second only to the desk itself in terms of importance.

When shopping for a new office chair, keep these factors in mind: Your lower back will thank you for it if the chair’s back has a natural lumbar curvature that supports your lower spine.

Chairs that are tailored to your physique will have a seat depth that allows you to rest your lower back against the lumbar support and still have space for an inch or two between the backs of your knees and the chair.

  • A good rule of thumb is to check if your legs are three or four fingers’ breadth from the edge of the seat while seated.
  • Make sure the chair can be adjusted so that your feet can rest comfortably on the floor or a footrest.
  • Armrests should be positioned such that your upper arms are at a right angle to your body and your shoulders, rather than slumped forward.
  • A chair that allows you to recline to an angle of roughly 135 degrees may be healthier for your back than one that only allows you to sit up at a 90-degree angle.
  • The material is a personal choice, however, those who easily overheat in conventional chairs may prefer a mesh option.
  • The material the chair is made of is also important; foam seats on cheap chairs wear out quickly.

The greater the range of motion in these areas, the greater your chances of finding a chair that fits you like a glove and allows you to work in comfort all day.

At Akasa Coworking, you can access your full work potential!



Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

Click Here to Book a Tour.

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Water Signs in a Coworking Space!

Water Signs in a Coworking Space!

Zodiac Signs- They have an odd way of aligning with our personalities—and, of course, our personalities contribute tremendously to our professional selves, whether you like it or not.

The more we learn about the zodiac, the better we can work with and understand our coworkers in a coworking space.


Read more to see what your sign says about you and your coworker and your work style.


Water Signs are known for being sensitive and sentimental. When it comes to letting go, they have a tendency to hang on to people and things far past their sell-by dates, and their emotions are as unstoppable as the ocean tides.

Emotional and creative, they rely on their hearts and gut to make a decision.

1. Cancer

Cancer, despite its reputation as an overly sensitive sign, can be quite the go-getter when it sets its mind to something. 

You’ve got a knack for spotting the little extras that make a big difference in productivity and morale in the workplace.

Because they’re empathetic, they’re aware of their coworkers’ feelings but also aware of the importance of finishing their work. They thrive on igniting others’ creativity and initiative.

 They thrive in jobs that place a high value on interpersonal relationships and a sense of belonging. Positive reinforcement is especially important to them because they are acutely attuned to the emotional needs of those around them.


2. Scorpio

Because you have a strong sense of self-reliance, you’re the most career-oriented person in the zodiac. 

When they have a goal in mind, no matter how big or small, they can achieve it, no matter how hard the odds are against them. Consequently, they are not the most effective teammates.

The majority of the time, they go all-in on a project.

In their All-or- Nothing manner they don’t care what the rest of the world thinks because their inner voice keeps them in check. Their calm exterior hides their simmering rage and frustration. To avoid taking criticism personally, they should focus on the positive aspects of it.


3. Pisces

Ambitious and deeply invested in your work, you’re a natural leader.

You’re drawn to the arts because of your emotional nature, desire for personal connection, and unwavering desire to succeed.

Pisces are flexible, compassionate, and highly imaginative workers who are more concerned with doing their best than anything else. They should avoid the typical 9-5 work environment because it stifles their creativity and individuality.

Many people label Pisces as “dreamy” or “spacey,” but they’re actually extremely empathetic and have an incredible ability to predict the future.

It’s more common for them to be motivated by their admiration for something’s value or mission rather than their own financial or personal gain.

Their positive outlook inspires others, but they avoid leadership roles.



Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

Click Here to Book a Tour.

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Air Signs in a Coworking Space!

Air Signs in a Co-working Space

Zodiac Signs – They have an odd way of aligning with our personalities—and, of course, our personalities contribute tremendously into our professional selves, whether you like it or not.

Read more to see what your sign says about you and your work style.

Air Signs are the signs of the zodiac’s intellectuals, communicators, and doers.

It is their job to investigate, synthesize, and analyze.

They move at breakneck speed, never stopping to take a breath.

Because of their “live and let live” attitude, they are able to make decisions quickly because of their intelligence.

When it comes to problems, they are able to look at them objectively and without the influence of their emotions.

1. Gemini

It’s only natural that someone with their gift for verbal exchange, wit, and charisma would want to seek a vocation in which they may express themselves freely.

They need a certain amount of flexibility in their professions if they are to stay in one place for any length of time. They are lively, with an abundance of creative energy, and they often reject rigidity, easily becoming annoyed by monotony.

When it comes to working, you thrive in high-pressure, fast-paced circumstances. You’re a dynamo of activity, with a tendency to become a little addicted to the rush of adrenaline.

Tour management and road support positions may potentially be a good fit for you if you enjoy traveling.


2. Libra

When you come into a meeting, a Libra will light up the room with their charisma and charm, attracting employers to the essence of who you are, rather than what you can do.

You’re a true “people person,” and you’re better suited to interacting with your coworkers and interacting with customers than you are to working in a warehouse or behind the scenes.

However, no one can fool a Libra for long since they are so confident in their own ability to make good decisions. They are capable, charming, and enthusiastic individuals that dive headfirst into their profession.

They need a profession that allows them to express their creativity while also giving them a sense of purpose by improving the lives of others and making the world a better place.

Social and good at bringing people together, they make excellent mediators in work and outside of it.


3. Aquarius

Aquarius is drawn to careers that allow them to be alone, mainly because of their need to question authority and ask hard questions.

They are guaranteed to be original, curious thinkers, and their motivations are not based on personal gain, but rather on the greater good.

Regardless of the industry, their ability to think outside of the box, their free spirit, and their forward-thinking mind keep them at the forefront of innovation.

For them, the work is already done, so they’re more likely to wake up in the middle of the night to work on it or take a nap in the middle of the day. When it comes to making decisions, they tend to focus on the big picture.


Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

Click Here to Book a Tour.

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Earth Signs in a Coworking Space!

Earth Signs in a Co-working Space

Zodiac Signs- They have an odd way of aligning with our personalities—and, of course, our personalities contribute tremendously into our professional selves, whether you like it or not.

Read more to see what your sign says about you and your work style.

Hint: if you’re the “organized friend,” you’re probably an earth sign.




Earth signs are the most grounded people on the planet. They have a reputation for being steadfast, practical, and unflappable. An earth sign is the one to call if you need help with a resume or moving.

You can always rely on them to be realistic and dependable. And can count on them to be forthright, and they’ll inform you if things aren’t going your way.


1. Taurus

hose born under the sign of Taurus recognise that their strong, consistent work ethic gives a great edge over those who are controlled by their emotions.

These people are more inclined to put their efforts into projects that ensure a high-quality return on investment.

The generosity and loyalty of Tauruses are well-known traits of the zodiac sign. In general, they are extremely trustworthy and disciplined, but they also have a tendency to be perceived as stubborn and abrasive.

In order for them to thrive, they need a job where they feel like they are part of a team and that their work has an impact on others. Careers with a set schedule but room for variation are an option to consider.

Taurus is drawn to activities and duties that require repetition, but they must be careful not to let their surroundings grow cluttered or drab.


2. Virgo

Virgos have an unequalled work ethic because they are analytical, humble, and meticulous.

Virgos are known for overthinking, over worrying, and overworking. Because of their excessively high standards, those who are labelled as “perfectionists” are unable to deliver work that is anything less than perfect.

They are quick to critique their own work, and will not hesitate to point out the defects or mistakes in other people’s work, too.

It’s amazing how well they can organize even the most chaotic of situations.

Virgos often avoid workplace gossip because they want a calm, orderly atmosphere. When it comes to taking praise from others, their humble yet fastidious mentality keeps them accepting it and rarely giving it to themselves.


3. Capricorn

Because you are creatures of habit, you want to know exactly what to expect and are excellent at keeping yourself and others on track, as well.

You thrive on routine and can see the big picture of a project’s scope.

Capricorns are known for their patience, determination, and ability to remain calm under pressure, they are also prone to overworking themselves.

Because of their self-starting tendencies and compulsion to establish and enforce standards, they are practically made for the workplace.

People look to Capricorns for direction because they value their integrity, but Capricorns should keep in mind that they have more than enough on their plates as it is.

Don’t let your workaholic tendencies get in the way of your other interests.

Share this with the “always there for you” colleague!


Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

Click Here to Book a Tour.