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Empowering Women with the Flexibility of Co-Working Spaces

How To Achieve Good Mental Health In Workplace

Are you a woman entrepreneur looking to make a name for yourself while juggling the demands of family and work? Do you want an alternative to the traditional workplace that offers you flexibility and freedom? Co-working spaces may be just the answer you’re looking for! By providing a collaborative, supportive environment, co-working spaces are empowering women to achieve their career goals and create a work-life balance that works for them. Realizing this, Akasa Coworking has created flexible, collaborative co-working spaces to give women the freedom to work when and where they need to. 

In our blog post, we’ll explore the many aspects of co-working spaces for women entrepreneurs, and how they can help women entrepreneurs grow their businesses and find success. So, let’s get started.

What is Co-Working?

Co-working is a style of work that involves sharing a workspace with other professionals, usually from different companies or freelancers. It is a growing trend, and more people are turning to co-working spaces as an alternative to traditional office spaces. Co-working spaces are typically designed to provide a comfortable and collaborative working environment. 

The Impact of Co-Working on Women’s Professional Growth

The emergence of co-working spaces has revolutionized the way people work. They offer a flexible, convenient, and cost-effective option for workers, particularly women, to pursue their professional goals. As the world is transitioning to a more digital and mobile workplace, co-working spaces have become a popular choice for women in India. Co-working spaces provide women with the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime. This has enabled many women to pursue their professional aspirations while managing their other responsibilities. 

Additionally, they provide a supportive environment for networking and collaboration which is essential for professional growth. Most co-working spaces offer a range of services, such as daycare, mentorship programs, and access to resources, which enable women to focus on their work without worrying about other distractions. This encourages women to pursue their passions and develop their skills. 

Furthermore, co-working spaces create a sense of community and provide a platform for women to interact with like-minded people. This helps them to make connections and build relationships that can be beneficial for their professional growth.

How Co-Working Spaces Empower Women

Co-working spaces are becoming increasingly popular amongst women entrepreneurs and freelancers, offering a flexible working environment that allows them to grow their businesses in a supportive and collaborative atmosphere. These shared workspaces provide a range of benefits to female professionals, including access to resources, networking opportunities, and a sense of community. Here are some of the ways that co-working spaces empower women: 

1. Flexibility: Co-working spaces provide a great deal of flexibility for female entrepreneurs and freelancers, allowing them to work on their own schedules and at their own pace. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for women who are balancing work with family and other commitments. 

2. Affordability: Co-working spaces are often more affordable than traditional office space, making them accessible to women who may not have the resources to rent or buy their own office space. This affordability allows women to focus their resources on developing their businesses, rather than worrying about expensive overhead costs. 

3. Networking Opportunities: Co-working spaces provide a great opportunity for women to network with like-minded professionals. These connections can lead to valuable collaborations and mentoring relationships, which can be incredibly beneficial for women in business. 

4. Supportive Environment: Co-working spaces are often filled with other entrepreneurs and freelancers, who can offer support and advice to one another. This supportive environment can help to foster creativity, collaboration, and innovation, allowing women to take their businesses to the next level.

5. Access to Resources: Many co-working spaces offer shared resources, such as conference rooms, printers, and other office equipment. This can be particularly beneficial for female entrepreneurs who may not otherwise have access to these essential tools. Co-working spaces are an ideal solution for female entrepreneurs and freelancers who are looking for a flexible and supportive work environment. These spaces offer women a wide range of benefits, allowing them to focus on growing their businesses without having to worry about expensive overhead costs. By providing access to resources, networking opportunities, and a supportive environment, co-working spaces are empowering women to achieve their dreams.

Common Challenges Women Face in Co-Working Spaces

Co-working spaces can be a great resource for women looking to start a business, freelance, or just gain access to a more flexible work environment. However, there are some common challenges women face when using these spaces. 

1. Lack of mentorship and networking opportunities: Many co-working spaces are designed to be gender-neutral, but this can lead to a lack of mentorship and networking opportunities specifically tailored to the needs of women. Women may have difficulty finding mentors who understand their unique experiences and interests, which can lead to a lack of support and resources. 

2. Unconscious bias: While co-working spaces are meant to be open and welcoming to everyone, unfortunately, unconscious bias can still be a factor. Women may feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in the space due to the presence of male-dominated groups or conversations. 

3. Gender roles: Women may feel pressure to fit into certain gender roles in the co-working space. This could include performing certain tasks in the space, such as cleaning or taking notes, or feeling the need to dress a certain way to fit in. This can lead to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. 

4. Limited resources: Co-working spaces may not have the resources needed to meet the specific needs of women. This could include access to childcare, health care, or other resources that would be beneficial to women entrepreneurs.

5. The “man tax”: Women may find that they are charged more for the same services or resources as their male counterparts. This can create an unfair advantage for men and lead to feelings of frustration and inequality.

Tips for Women in Co-Working Spaces

Akasa Coworking brings you some tips all women can use to help them succeed in co-working spaces. 

1. Network: Co-working spaces are a great way to make connections with people in the same field. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet new people and collaborate on projects. 

2. Take Advantage of Flexibility: Working in a co-working space allows you to manage your own schedule. This means you can make time for other aspects of your life, such as pursuing a hobby or spending time with family and friends. Use this flexibility to your advantage and find a balance between work and life. 

3. Invest in Yourself: Co-working spaces offer a great chance to invest in yourself. Take advantage of the resources and learning opportunities available. You can attend seminars and workshops, or even join a book club. 

4. Set Goals: Setting goals for yourself will help you stay motivated and focused on the tasks at hand. Make a list of goals that you would like to achieve and create a plan to accomplish them. 

5. Utilize Technology: Take advantage of the technology available in co-working spaces. Use the internet to research topics related to your work, or use online tools to improve productivity. 

6. Stay Connected: Use social media to stay in touch with others in the community. This is a great way to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the industry. 

7. Take Breaks: Working in a co-working space can be overwhelming at times. Make sure you take breaks throughout the day to recharge and stay productive. 

8. Make Time for Yourself: Don’t forget to make time for yourself. This could mean taking a yoga class, going for a walk, or meditating. Taking care of yourself is important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


At Akasa Coworking, we strongly believe that co-working spaces offer a range of benefits that can empower women. They provide the flexibility to create a work environment that suits each individual’s needs and the opportunity to connect with a variety of inspiring and supportive like-minded individuals. With co-working spaces, women can have the freedom to make their own choices, build successful careers, and broaden their personal and professional networks. Ultimately, co-working spaces offer a powerful platform to help women reach their full potential. 

To get detailed information about Akasa Coworking Spaces, you can write to us at 

For any Coworking space-related requirements in Noida, Bengaluru, Kolkata, or Siliguri. You can call us at +91 9073035909.

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